Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Best

Recently I took a family member to the emergency room. As I sat there for 13 hours (oh yeah) I noticed people of all ages and backgrounds with health issues. Aside from the elderly, most of the individuals that I observed in beds were of no surprise. Really, of those that were sick you could probably justify why just by looking at them. I felt like I could actually see why they were sick!! It was depressing..This lead to me to think, what do I want from all this exercising? Longevity,energy,appeal, being able to do whatever I want when I want by using what God gave me?... What do we want?.. What do YOU want? From a health and physical standpoint, what exactly do YOU see for yourself? And are YOU doing your best to achieve it? What is the best YOU that YOU can be? There are many ideas on how to obtain a great body and be in the best of health but what is best for YOU? Many of these dvd training/exercise machines work if YOU work them with intensity, frequently, and for the duration prescribed. But the instructors dont know YOU. Do YOU understand your bodytype? What foods work for YOU and work against YOU. Do YOU know your family health history? Is the image of what your trying to achieve aesthetically a realistic one for YOU? I ask these questions so YOU will think about what it takes for YOU to be the best YOU that YOU can be. The person in the mirror that makes YOU happy and healthy at the same time. There is no substitute for good health.Don't brainwash yourself into thinking that if YOU try to improve that means your not happy with YOU. Thats laziness,ignorance, and fear. Laziness because we just think its too hard to eat correctly,sweat and be out of breath. Ignorant of the importance of good health and a decent sized waistline. Fear of failing or falling short of expectations. We can all do better but it has to be what YOU want for yourself. We hear alot of talk about being our best but do YOU really believe it is possible? I emplore YOU to think about your health for YOU and the sake of your family. Do your best, YOU have nothing to lose but some uneeded weight, stress, and bad health.....Live In Love

1 comment:

  1. Good points, Bruce. I do it because, despite the rheumatoid arthritis that runs in my family, I know it does not have to control me. My grandfather showed me by example - his practicing of yoga and adherence to a healthy diet allowed him to live to be 89 without experiencing what can be the excruciating pain of arthritis. Ad my grandmother, well, God bless her she is almost 100, and you would never know from looking at her hands that she has arthritis. I want to live a relatively pain free life - exercise will get me there, and it has some nice side effects too :-). But at the end of the day, I invest the time to exercise to avoid pain-killing drugs; drugs that can and will wreck bodies from the inside out.
