Sunday, October 7, 2012

What are you waiting for?

Yeah I know I've been gone for a while, but that doesnt mean I haven't been working out. Most of you should have some good news to tell since March, so lets hear your story. Also autumn is here, prepare for the indoor fitness regimen....Live In Love

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thank You

I want to thank everyone for all the positive comments during the four months this blog has been up. Many of you have expressed your appreciation for the motivation and that means alot to me. I have actually been inspired by many of you, its really starts with giving. The extraordinary fact is the blog has been viewed by individuals all over the world from the U.S., Russia, Singapore, Brasil and more! I thank you all for your support. I just want to say I do this because its in my heart. I have a passion for health and fitness and spreading the signifigance of a healthy lifestyle. All of you have made it easier for me to continue with this blog and do what I've been inspired to do. We all have challenges to deal with, especially from a health perspective but I urge you not to give up. Continue your journey to become the best YOU that YOU can be. I appreciate you.Peace and Blessings.....Live In Love

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Forty+Fitness: The Best

Forty+Fitness: The Best: Recently I took a family member to the emergency room. As I sat there for 13 hours (oh yeah) I noticed people of all ages and backgrounds wi...

The Best

Recently I took a family member to the emergency room. As I sat there for 13 hours (oh yeah) I noticed people of all ages and backgrounds with health issues. Aside from the elderly, most of the individuals that I observed in beds were of no surprise. Really, of those that were sick you could probably justify why just by looking at them. I felt like I could actually see why they were sick!! It was depressing..This lead to me to think, what do I want from all this exercising? Longevity,energy,appeal, being able to do whatever I want when I want by using what God gave me?... What do we want?.. What do YOU want? From a health and physical standpoint, what exactly do YOU see for yourself? And are YOU doing your best to achieve it? What is the best YOU that YOU can be? There are many ideas on how to obtain a great body and be in the best of health but what is best for YOU? Many of these dvd training/exercise machines work if YOU work them with intensity, frequently, and for the duration prescribed. But the instructors dont know YOU. Do YOU understand your bodytype? What foods work for YOU and work against YOU. Do YOU know your family health history? Is the image of what your trying to achieve aesthetically a realistic one for YOU? I ask these questions so YOU will think about what it takes for YOU to be the best YOU that YOU can be. The person in the mirror that makes YOU happy and healthy at the same time. There is no substitute for good health.Don't brainwash yourself into thinking that if YOU try to improve that means your not happy with YOU. Thats laziness,ignorance, and fear. Laziness because we just think its too hard to eat correctly,sweat and be out of breath. Ignorant of the importance of good health and a decent sized waistline. Fear of failing or falling short of expectations. We can all do better but it has to be what YOU want for yourself. We hear alot of talk about being our best but do YOU really believe it is possible? I emplore YOU to think about your health for YOU and the sake of your family. Do your best, YOU have nothing to lose but some uneeded weight, stress, and bad health.....Live In Love

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Thats right its coming!! Warm weather, cookouts, pool parties, house parties, less clothes, and the BEACH!!! About 8 weeks to go so put it in gear and stay there. Now is the time to add a little more intensity to your workouts and cardio activity. To add intensity to workouts shorten the rest time between sets or alternate upper body exercises with lower body  exercises. Cardio can be done in intervals...30 seconds at a higher heart rate,30 seconds at a lower heart rate. If you dont want to run/jog..walk on a incline. If you need ideas ask the trainers at your gym or hit me up. Either way its time to step your game up.....Live in Love!!

Friday, March 9, 2012


Its been a minute but we still in it!!! OK you have done at least 8 weeks of training, which means it should be habitual by now. If your looking for variety take some fitness classes or get with a trainer to show you how TRX works. I was recently with this apparratus and its great for core strength and just using your own body weight for a superb workout( and it travels well). For those looking for something a little more hardcore try crossfit(WHEW!)..I am currently incorporating this regime with my own training on alternate weeks and it kicks @$$. Remember friends this is a lifestyle change so eating correctly, rest, and exercise must become apart of how you live normally. Don't forget time for yourself by yourself......LIVE IN LOVE!!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Burn Baby Burn!

Now your getting your resistance training in 2-3 times a week.You putting in your cardio for 20-30 minutes a day 3-5 times a week and your becoming more conscience of what your eating. Great!! Now what? Now you are turning your body into a fat burner. There are 3,500 calories in a pound. So what does that mean? In order to lose a pound a week we have to burn 3,500 more than we eat for that week. If we break it down for 7 days that would be 500 calories a day that we would have to burn over what we normally burn per day. The "average" caloric need is 2,000 calories a day, this is a starting point for more specificity on your individual need contact a licensed nutrionist. I say "burn baby burn" to rev up that metabolism and burn fat. Fat can be a good thing, our bodies use it for energy . We need fat to protect our internal organs as well. We need to refrain from too much satured fats from animals and coconut oil. Most of our fats should be eaten from plant based foods(olive and canola oil, nuts,etc.). If you are clinically obese, overweight, or carrying a few extra inches around the middle keep your head up, there is good news.You can do something about it. To stay positive, when I train individuals with this challenge I tell them "when I see you, I see alot of energy that hasn't been used". Their just storing energy, lets tap into that reserve and use it the way it was meant to be used - by moving more!! So stop saving that energy, burn it up! Burn more than you put in, you'll lose weight and be more energetic.....Live In Love

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy New You!!!

Apologies for the silence, been studying for a new certification in my craft. OK, how you doing with your consistency.By now you should have 6-10 appearances at your fitness facility. Cardio should be done for at least 20 minutes daily with your heart rate at approximately at 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. That would be 220 minus your age multiplied by .60,.65, or .70. Example if you are age 40...220-40=180, 180 x .60 = 108. 108 would be 60% percent of your maximum heart rate. Your maximum heart rate would be 180. Any questions? Please feel free to ask....Now resistance (or weight) training for strength and muscle development. Exercises should include using the legs (the butt and thighs) and back and chest. These are the major muscle groups and exercise should be done 2-3 times a week. To start lets do one exercise per muscle group and each exercise should be done 3 times for 12 - 15 reps. If you need any assistance feel free to ask any personal trainer available..thats their job(at no expense to you). These guidelines are for novices and we will gradually increase. Remember exercise is where you make it..walking the stairs at work, speed walking with your dog, or squats in your office. Continue to eat right and be the best you that you can be.....Live In Love

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Here we go!

Okay, so your starting this lifestyle change. You found a convenient fitness facility and took advantage of the free orientation. They may try to persuade you to use  a personal trainer, a trainer could be useful if you have uncertainty about what you need to do exactly. Trainers should listen to your needs(be personal) and tailor the workout to fit those needs as well as what they know is important. That being said, they should be knowledgeable and experienced. Certifications help to make one credible but does ensure that you will get that results you want. Don't be overly concerned by the trainers body because they probably train themselves differently than how they will be training you. However a certain level of fitness should be exuded since they are the example....lets start with some 20 minutes of walking daily and stretching just to get acclimated....stay tuned and Live In Love