Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Enemies:Sugar and Salt

Watch out for these two, their sitting around waiting to hang out in our bodies and cause damage! Especially while dining out, eating fast food, and in supermarkets. Evidence shows that high salt intake causes a strong risk for cardiovascular disease and enlarged heart.Foods with a long shelf life will be the main culprit. Some frozen foods are guilty of high sodium levels as well. READ YOUR NUTRITON LABELS. Sodium intake should not surpass 2300mg per day on average. For Special Populations (those over the age of 51, African Americans, those with hyprtension,diabetes, and chronic kidney disease) 1500mg per day should be the limit.As far as the sweet stuff is concerned, excessive sugar can lead to obesity which can lead to diabetes. We'll talk about diabetes at another date (nasty stuff!). READ YOUR NUTRITION LABELS. Sugar is listed in grams. Divide the number of grams by 4.2 and thats about how many teaspoons your getting PER SERVING. Now that you have a visual idea of how much sugar your eating per day, you can make up your own mind on how sweet you want to be......Live In Love

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