Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Veggie Tales

Vegetables, either your eating them or your not. If you are, good for you, if not - here we go. People, many of the vitamins that are required daily come from veggies. Veggies help with digestion and provide fiber which aids in elimination. More green ,more lean. A variety of colors is best and the darker the green the better. Oh yeah fruits are just as important, any kind ,any color! Find a few that you like and eat them on the reg. Both veggies and fruits are relatively cheap but they don't last long, so eat them quickly and go get some more. Everybody knows that our bodies return to dirt once we expire. Veggies and fruit grow from the dirt (fruit via trees). Get it! Its a cycle. What better way to nourish our bodies than with a source that comes from our bodies. Even some of the animals WE eat get their food from this primary source. Now take a good look at a tomato, its red with four chambers just like a heart. You think God is trying to tell us something. By the way my brothers if your not eating tomatoes - you should! They have these things called phytonutrients in them that aid in the prevention of prostrate cancer. And Man Up!! Get that prostrate checked annually, if not for yourself then do it for your loved ones. Did I mention a multivitamin?.....Live In Love

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