Saturday, December 31, 2011


 . Your life will always move in the direction of your greatest thoughts.Focus on what you want to achieve and believe in that. Its a new year and time for a new you. Its your time, stop procrastinating! (me included!) Its time to focus on becoming the best you that you can be. Yeah there are other people and things that require our attention, but its very difficult to do those things when our health hinders us. Make a commitment to you for a change. Commit to your own well being, your own health and happiness. This doesn't mean your being selfish or neglecting responsibility - did you forget the responsibility to yourself? What wears on us mentally will reveal itself physically (STRESS). We need to strengthen our bodies to battle the adversity that is inevitable. In your heart you know what you need to do for you. Have courage,take a step in that direction and keep your focus on what God put in your heart. Follow your vision and do it with a healthy spirit, healthy mind, and a healthy body. Have a blessed New Year and Live In Love.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


2012 is approaching quickly so you should be in the process of finding a fitness facility(if you haven"t already). Remember it should be close to home or work to make it convenient. Start thinking about what time is best for you to attend in order to develop consistency. This is a lifestyle change and  change is challenging but YOU CAN DO IT. we will take take it one day at a time...30 days to develop a habit (thanks Aryeh). Any questions? I'm here......Live In Love

Monday, December 26, 2011

Holiday Hunger

We all know its the holiday season so eating and drinking in abundance will be done. That being what you want just eat smaller portions multiple times. That way you can eat more of what you want more frequently. Eating large meals makes the digestive system work harder than it wants to and that takes energy. This is why we get tired after BIG meals. Everything in moderation. So eat, drink, and be merry. Be mindful that 2012 is approaching and WE ARE GOING IN!!!....Live In Love

Friday, December 23, 2011


FB Fam follow me on twitter....!/40PLUSFIT ....lets create a healthy lifestyle in 2012!!


Hit me on twitter @40PLUSFIT...Lets start a healthy lifestyle in 2012!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Veggie Tales

Vegetables, either your eating them or your not. If you are, good for you, if not - here we go. People, many of the vitamins that are required daily come from veggies. Veggies help with digestion and provide fiber which aids in elimination. More green ,more lean. A variety of colors is best and the darker the green the better. Oh yeah fruits are just as important, any kind ,any color! Find a few that you like and eat them on the reg. Both veggies and fruits are relatively cheap but they don't last long, so eat them quickly and go get some more. Everybody knows that our bodies return to dirt once we expire. Veggies and fruit grow from the dirt (fruit via trees). Get it! Its a cycle. What better way to nourish our bodies than with a source that comes from our bodies. Even some of the animals WE eat get their food from this primary source. Now take a good look at a tomato, its red with four chambers just like a heart. You think God is trying to tell us something. By the way my brothers if your not eating tomatoes - you should! They have these things called phytonutrients in them that aid in the prevention of prostrate cancer. And Man Up!! Get that prostrate checked annually, if not for yourself then do it for your loved ones. Did I mention a multivitamin?.....Live In Love

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Enemies:Sugar and Salt

Watch out for these two, their sitting around waiting to hang out in our bodies and cause damage! Especially while dining out, eating fast food, and in supermarkets. Evidence shows that high salt intake causes a strong risk for cardiovascular disease and enlarged heart.Foods with a long shelf life will be the main culprit. Some frozen foods are guilty of high sodium levels as well. READ YOUR NUTRITON LABELS. Sodium intake should not surpass 2300mg per day on average. For Special Populations (those over the age of 51, African Americans, those with hyprtension,diabetes, and chronic kidney disease) 1500mg per day should be the limit.As far as the sweet stuff is concerned, excessive sugar can lead to obesity which can lead to diabetes. We'll talk about diabetes at another date (nasty stuff!). READ YOUR NUTRITION LABELS. Sugar is listed in grams. Divide the number of grams by 4.2 and thats about how many teaspoons your getting PER SERVING. Now that you have a visual idea of how much sugar your eating per day, you can make up your own mind on how sweet you want to be......Live In Love

Sunday, December 11, 2011


So your health is superb. You feel great and have enough energy for three people. You can fit the same clothes you wore in college or even 5/10 years ago. Of course you dont need any daily medication because you have'nt needed a checkup in decades. Oh yeah you eat fruit and vegetables daily, low fat meats, and drink plenty of water. You dont need to exercise because you rise everyday with no apparent problems. And any weight that you've gained that makes you feel uncomfortable "you could lose it if you really wanted too". Pride comes before destruction.....Live In Love

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Lets Go!!!

Taking the first step towards a healthy lifestyle is acknowledging to yourself that something must change. This requires commitment. We must commit to making fitness apart of our lifestyle. A habit just like anything else that we do everyday (you will have to decide whether its helpful or not). Fitness is where you make it! At home, work ,or outside. If your having trouble with ideas for  fitness within these areas let me know. As far as joining a health club/gym, it should be located near your home or place of work to make it convenient. This also cuts back on the excuses...Live In Love

Monday, December 5, 2011

FB Fam hit me at this blog with any questions/comments about starting or maintaining the fitness lifestyle...Live In Love.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Forty+Fitness: Food for thought

Forty+Fitness: Food for thought: Hello everyone. This blog is for discussions about health issues for men and women at the young age of 40 or more. This past year we have w...

Food for thought

Hello everyone. This blog is for discussions about health issues for men and women at the  young age of 40 or more. This past year we have witnessed the deaths of many men (particularly african-american) who barely reached their mid forties. Some younger. Obesity and heart disease are running rampant in our society. The cause being horrible nutrition habits and lack of exercise. Many of us have not been active since high school or college, thats approximately half our life or more. I'm anxious to hear your thoughts...Live In Love